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Article: Primer in cosmetics: what is it and what is it used for?

Le primer en cosmétique : qu'est-ce que c'est et à quoi sert-il ?

Primer in cosmetics: what is it and what is it used for?

In the world of cosmetics, primer is an often overlooked but essential product for a perfect makeup base. But what exactly is a primer and what is its role in our beauty routine? We explain everything to you: its role, its benefits and when and how to use it for optimal results.

1. What is a primer?

The primer, or makeup base, is a cosmetic product used to prepare the skin before applying makeup. It comes in gel, cream or lotion form and contains specific ingredients that help smooth the skin's surface, blur imperfections and make makeup last longer.

2. What is it for?

The primer performs several key functions:

  • It creates an even canvas : By filling in pores, fine lines and imperfections, the primer creates a smooth, even surface for easier, more even makeup application.
  • It prolongs the hold of makeup : By forming a barrier between the skin and makeup, the primer helps to set makeup products, which allows for longer wear and reduced flaking or transfer.
  • It corrects specific concerns : Some primers are formulated to correct specific skin concerns, such as redness, enlarged pores or excessive shine, providing a targeted solution to your beauty concerns.
  • It can provide sun protection: Certain primers, notably Primer SPF 30 from the Crystal Bright range from Rexaline , provide sun protection, essential for protecting and preserving the health of your skin on a daily basis.

3. When to use it?

The primer can be used at different stages of your makeup routine:

  • Before foundation : Apply a small amount of primer all over your face after your skincare routine and before applying your foundation. Let the primer absorb into the skin for a few minutes before applying your makeup.
  • Before eye makeup : Use a specific primer for the eyelids before applying your eye shadow. This will help intensify the color, prevent makeup from fading and extend its wear throughout the day.
  • For touch-ups : Keep a portable primer in your purse for quick touch-ups throughout the day. Apply it to shiny or dull areas to revive your makeup and prolong its wear.

In conclusion, primer is a versatile and essential product for a perfect makeup base. By choosing it based on your skin and makeup needs, and integrating it wisely into your beauty routine, you can achieve flawless, long-lasting results for makeup that lasts all day.


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