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Article: Serum vs Cream: what's the difference?

Sérum vs Crème : quelle différence ?

Serum vs Cream: what's the difference?

When it comes to skincare, it's easy to get lost among the many products available, especially when you have to choose between a serum and a cream. These two formulations have different textures and functions, but both can play an essential role in your skincare routine. We explain the main differences between a serum and a cream, as well as the appropriate times to incorporate them into your daily routine.

1. Composition and texture

The main difference between a serum and a cream lies in their composition and texture. Serums are lightweight formulations made with highly concentrated ingredients, such as antioxidants, vitamins and active acids. Their fluid texture allows them to penetrate quickly into the skin, providing targeted hydration and benefits. In contrast, creams have a thicker, richer texture, containing hydrating agents and emollients that help seal in hydration and protect the skin from external aggressors.

2. Function

Serums are designed to target specific skin concerns, such as wrinkles, age spots, loss of firmness or dehydration. Their high concentration of active ingredients allows for more intense action and rapid results. On the other hand, creams are more versatile and can provide deep hydration while strengthening the skin barrier and protecting the skin from external aggressions.

3. When to use them in your skincare routine:

  • Serum: Serums are typically used after cleansing and applying a cleansing lotion or toner, but before applying a moisturizer. Their lightweight texture allows for rapid absorption, making them ideal for targeting specific skin concerns. Use a serum in the morning and/or evening, depending on your skin care needs.
  • Cream: Creams are used after applying a serum or directly on clean, dry skin. They are recommended to seal in hydration and protect the skin throughout the day. Use a cream in the morning and/or evening, depending on your skin type and the needs of your skincare routine.

All our ranges at Rexaline are composed of a serum and a cream to provide you with complete skin care and allow you to obtain the best results according to your skin concerns.

The combination of a serum and a cream allows you to maximize the benefits of active ingredients for your skin and to obtain visible and long-lasting results.


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