What are the foundations of a simple and effective skincare routine fo Skip to content


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Article: What are the foundations of a simple and effective skincare routine for beginners in Skincare?

Quels sont les fondements d'une routine de soins simple et efficace pour les débutants en Skincare ?

What are the foundations of a simple and effective skincare routine for beginners in Skincare?

Are you just starting to explore the world of skincare and feeling a little lost? Do not panic ! Setting up a skincare routine may seem complex, but by going back to basics, you can create a simple and effective routine. Here is a step-by-step guide for skincare beginners.

1. Understand Your Skin Type

The first step is to identify your skin type. Is it dry, oily, combination, normal or sensitive? This knowledge will allow you to choose suitable products. For example, oily skin benefits from lightweight cleansers and hydrating emulsions, while dry skin requires richer creams.

2. The Three Key Steps: Cleanse, Moisturize, Protect


A care routine always starts with effective cleaning. Use a gentle cleanser morning and evening to remove impurities and prepare your skin to absorb skincare products. The Crystal Bright lotion will be ideal for all skin types as a prep lotion for this purpose.


After cleansing, apply a moisturizer suitable for your skin type. Hydration is essential to maintain skin balance and health. All Rexaline treatments are super-hydrating thanks to RX2 Hyaluronic Acid technology which provides immediate surface and deep hydration over the long term.


The last crucial element is sun protection. Even on cloudy days, UV rays can damage your skin. Apply broad-spectrum sunscreen every day. For intense protection with an anti-shine effect, the SPF50+ Crystal Bright fluid will be perfect. For tinted protection, choose the hydra shock cc cream spf20 which will give a tanned complexion or the Primer SPF30 Crystal Bright for a lighter and more even complexion.

3. Gradually Add New Products

Resist the temptation to introduce multiple products at once. Start with the basics, then gradually add other products like serums, exfoliants or masks, evaluating your skin's reactions.

4. Patience is Key

Give your skin time to adjust to new products. It usually takes several weeks to see noticeable changes, although with Rexaline you will see amazing immediate results with most of our products!

Implementing a skincare routine is a personal and evolving journey.

Start simple, pay attention to your skin's needs, and adjust your routine over time. With these fundamentals, you're well on your way to glowing, healthy-looking skin.


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